
Digital sign pdf
Digital sign pdf

digital sign pdf

Digital sign pdf pdf#

To save your signed PDF document, click File > Save and select a location for the file. If you chose to save your signature, you’ll find it easily accessible in the “Sign” menu in the future. Position your signature where you want it with your mouse and click to apply it.

digital sign pdf

Leave “Save Signature” checked and you can quickly add this signature in the future. To sign a document using Adobe Reader, first open the PDF document in the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC application. Click the “Fill & Sign” button in the right pane.Īfter creating a signature, click “Apply” to apply it to the document. RELATED: The Best PDF Readers for Windows Other third-party PDF readers may offer this feature, but they generally require you purchase a paid version before using their signature features. While Adobe Reader isn’t the most lightweight PDF viewer, it is one of the most feature-packed, and actually has excellent support for signing PDF documents. At least this is faster! Windows: Use Adobe Reader So sure, the below methods aren’t perfectly secure-but neither is printing something, scribbling over it with a pen, and then scanning it again. For many businesses, simply accepting signed documents by email rather than forcing you to fax them is a huge technological leap. Send them a PDF file with a digital signature and they won’t know what to make of it. You can do it with all kinds of apps, and it’s what most people will require when they send you a document to sign. An electronic signature, on the other hand, is merely an image of your signature overlaid on top of a PDF document.

Digital sign pdf